
One Glam Night At The Hotel Elysée In NYC

On Sunday, January 12, 2014, I had the honor of co-hosting a Golden Globes Red Carpet Tweet-up  with The Glamazon Diaries , The Fabulou...

On Sunday, January 12, 2014, I had the honor of co-hosting a Golden Globes Red Carpet Tweet-up with The Glamazon Diaries, The Fabulous Report and The Fashionisette.  I am so glad that Makeda of The Glamazon Diaries invited me to be a part of this fabulous tweet-up because it took place in the lap of luxury, The Hotel Elysee on East 54th Street between Madison and Park Avenue (I cannot think of a better way to watch the Globes)!

Our night of glamour, gossip and gowns was kicked off by a complimentary champagne happy hour in the beautiful 2nd floor lounge and library where we were treated to chic snacks, bubbles and an unexpected celeb sighting!  As we were sitting down to toast the night with our champagne, we noticed that the legendary Robert De Nero was right outside on the sidewalk shooting his latest film, "Hands of Stone" just one floor below us.  It was the perfect way to kick of the 2014 Golden Globes!  
Check out the fabulous photos of our suite and a fun video of me getting my Alicia Keys on with the room's piano.
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