Livin' La Vida Lohan!!
A couple of days ago I read an article online that Lohan was going to be in the Robert Rodriguez movie Machete . THE VERY FIRST THING that I...

A couple of days ago I read an article online that Lohan was going to be in the Robert Rodriguez movie Machete. THE VERY FIRST THING that I thought was, "OMG ROBBY ROD EQUALS ATX!" And BAM I was right! Viva La Lohan! Cady.. I mean Lindsay Lohan is going to be in the lone star state (drinking lone star no doubt) and filming Rodriguez's Machete in Austin, TX!! OK so this is how it is going to happen: (Insert dream sequence waves here). I arrive at a posh ATX bar and standing/sitting/leaning/falling at the bar is LL! Me: "Hey LI LI, Loved you in Mean Girls!" LL: "@*#&*@(#&#!" Me: "Jealous?" LL: "You're my new BFF!" Then I will have a reality show and or write a book about what happened that night! In closing, I am just really excited that I have a small chance that I run into Lohan! BUT, I am sad that she isn't in ATX filming Mean Girls 2! - JV