BIT.. I mean, Stripper PLEASE! Leave Fergie & Josh Alone!
It is no secret that I loves me some FERGIE FERG! She provides me with killer pop hits that make me happy and I honestly think that she is b...

I really hope that this is not true! First of all Strips, can I call ya Strips? OK, so first of all Strips goes on Entertainment Tonight and says that she had no idea who Josh was and that her and her friend had to look him up online. She also told a magazine that she knew who he was the next day. GET YOUR STORY STRAIGHT! Then the hot mess said on ET that she didn't care who he was. She said he was hot and that's all that mattered. DON'T ACT LIKE THAT! I am sorry but she is giving strippers a bad name and Imma need you to respect my pop star's vows lady! Then ET said that she passed the lie detector test. Now listen, I don't want to offend any strippers out there, but I have a feeling that some are probably pretty good at lying. You know they have to lie to some people about things like there profession or their dignity, so I know homegirl could probably lie about doing a celeb.
All I am saying is that this country sounding stripper needs to get her life together! Also if you have any kind of celebrity please stay away from any and all strip clubs! They get naked for money, do you really think that they aren't going to tell on you if something goes down? Once again, sorry if I offended any stippers, er, uh I mean, "exotic dancers." The last thing I want slash need is to be attacked with a portable Flirty Girl Fitness poll or a light up, clear, stripper shoe. That would not be the hotness! In conclusion, we love ya Ferg and we hope the allegations are not true!