A Night Out For A Great Cause!
On January 25th The Epix Group held a relief initiative to help Partners In Health and ADRA continue to provide relief in Haiti. Both organ...
On January 25th The Epix Group held a relief initiative to help Partners In Health and ADRA continue to provide relief in Haiti. Both organizations have provided assistance in Haiti for over 20 years.
The event was held at the beautiful Forty Eight Lounge and all door proceeds, along with a percentage of food and beverage sales, went to the organizations. During the event a large screen projected pictures of how beautiful the people of Haiti are. It showed a nation full of people with strong spirits. Though everyone at the event seemed to be enjoying the night, everyone's minds and hearts were with those in Haiti.

Above: Kalyn Hemphill and Jonathan Valdez
I wish that everytime I went out to dinner and drinks that a portion of the money would go to those who need it most. I think that more events like this should be organized to help organizations and people all over the world. Thank you to The Epix Group for putting on the event and to Forty Eight Lounge for donating a portion of the drink and food sales.
Let's all continue to help out those in Haiti and in other parts of the world where assistance and hope is needed the most!
Jonathan I agree with you! more events like these should be held! great cover! Great event!