Brazilets: When You Wish Amongst The Stars!

So over the past couple of months you may have noticed that in some of my pictures I have a blue ribbon tied around my right wrist. No I hav...

So over the past couple of months you may have noticed that in some of my pictures I have a blue ribbon tied around my right wrist. No I have not started or joined a new religion and I did not forget to take off a wrist band from a concert or club. My ribbon is actually a Brazilet!

Brazilets are a 200 year-old tradition from mystical Bahia, Brazil. Worn throughout Latin America, they have spiritual significance for all who wear them. One of my best friends, Mairin, actually introduced me to Brazilets when she included one in my "Welcome to NYC" care package she sent me. It was the perfect gift for someone who moved to a new city to make things happen! Here's why.

To wear your Brazilets simply wrap it around your wrist and tie three knots, making a wish with each knot. When your Brazilets naturally break down and fall off, it is believed that your three wishes will come true! It is a great way to give someone a chance to reflect on why they moved to a new place. Each time I look at my Brazilet I remember my goals and dreams for NYC!

The coolest thing about Brazilets is that portion of the proceeds are dedicated to saving the Brazilian rainforests through a partnership with The Nature Conservancy’s It feels good to know that you are helping to make a difference while wearing something fun at the same time.

If you do decide to rock a Brazilet then you will be in amazing company. Check out some of the celebs that have been seen "wearing their wishes!"

Anne Hathaway wears a Brazilet.

Susan Sarandon takes her Brazilet to the red carpet.

Lauren Conrad is obvi all about her Brazilets!

Sports Illustrated Models just havin' fun and being sexy on the beach with their Brazilets.

Jonathan Valdez of Orange Juice and Biscuits wearing his blue Brazilet at the World Gold Council's 2010 Press Preview. Check out the shout out that Brazilets gave OJ&B here!

For more information on Brazilets go to!

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