Got Love for O&B? Now You Can Show It!

Do you have love for Orange Juice and Biscuits? Do you tell everyone you know about that blog with the breakfast food name? Are you constant...

Do you have love for Orange Juice and Biscuits? Do you tell everyone you know about that blog with the breakfast food name? Are you constantly coming back for updates?! Well now you can show your love for OJ&B and get updates easier!

My good friend Mairin created an "I read OJ&B" badge that I now have on the website. Simply copy and paste on your blog slash website to let the whole world know that you loves you some OJ&B!

Above: Show your love for OJ&B by putting this badge wherever you want!

It is also easier to follow OJ&B and keep up with new post. Simply follow OJ&B and all your other favorite blogs on Bloglovin!

Bloglovin' was created so you wouldn’t have to visit un-updated blogs, open ten windows in your browser, or forget your favorite blogs web-addresses. All you have to do is add OJ&B and your other blog faves. You will then get notified every time a new post is written! EASY!

Above: Click here if you want to follow OJ&B and other blogs with Bloglovin'!

There you have it! Fun, quick and simple ways to follow and show love for Orange Juice and Biscuits. Spread the word and start posting up those badges friends!!

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