Megan Mullally Working on Karen: The Musical!'s blog, Playblog, reports that Megan Mullally recently spoke on her plans to do Karen: The Musical! It would be based on he...

2010 Winter TCA Tour - Day 8's blog, Playblog, reports that Megan Mullally recently spoke on her plans to do Karen: The Musical! It would be based on her amazingly funny and always wasted character, Karen Walker, from the hit NBC television show Will & Grace.

Karen: The Musical will be a throw down between Mullally's character and her Will & Grace nemesis Beverly Leslie played by the always funny Leslie Jordan.

11th Annual Trevor Project's Cracked XMas Benefit

Above: Leslie Jordan

I am really excited about this project! Let's be honest, we ALL want more Karen Walker in our lives! It seems right that it will be a musical too! I for sure want to see this if and when it hits NYC. Mullally says that they are currently looking for the right person to write the book but that they have a producer, composer and a director for the project.

Who knows? Maybe other Will & Grace stars will pop up on the stage during the tour. I just really really need slash want Rosario to happen again as well!

Check out the full story here.

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