VIDEO: New Sex and The City 2 Trailer!

FINALLY! A trailer for SATC2 that actually tells you a bit about the plot. I was so tired of seeing the one that told you nothing and had SJ...

FINALLY! A trailer for SATC2 that actually tells you a bit about the plot. I was so tired of seeing the one that told you nothing and had SJP in that same damn white outfit with the gold aviators. I just wanted more!

In the new trailer we see that things aren't all sunshine and cosmo flavored lollipops for the ladies. Char is starting to see that motherhood is a hard job, Samantha is dealing with getting older, Carrie still can't seem to get her life together and figure out what she wants (yes, she bumps into Aiden in Abu Dhabi), and Miranda... well she seems happy. Is it me, or is she always the opposite of what the other ladies are? When everyone was happy she was mad, now everyone is trying to get it together and she is all party in the U.S.A! OH MIR!

But all of those things are why I love SATC. I am really excited for new wit and new Samantha jokes! How good was it when Char asks Samantha, "How are you going to swallow all of those (pills)?" and Samantha replies. "Have we met?"

The best is at the end when the girls are discussing their trip to Abu Dhabi and Char's daughter says, "And Jasmine and Aladdin?" To which Carrie answers, "Yes, sweetie, but with cocktails." Gotta love those LUSHious ladies!

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