Diesel Black Gold Spring/Summer 2011: Longest/Fiercest/Hottest Runway Ever!
I was really excited to see the Diesel Black Gold show during Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week because I knew it was going to be young and fun! ...
I was really excited to see the Diesel Black Gold show during Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week because I knew it was going to be young and fun! As soon as you walked in to Pier 92 you had to walk down this crazy long hallway that was lined with curtains. It was kind of dark and I was wondering where exactly I was being taken to.
Above: The long hallway to get to the Diesel Black Gold S/S 2011 show. OOO!
When I finally got to the room where the show was taking place I noticed that it was still dark with curtains blocking the windows. They really take the "Black Gold" part seriously! Then it was time for the show to start!
The first model came out and as soon as she walked by the first curtain, BAM, the curtain dropped. The same thing happened to all of the curtains, they dropped to the floor due to the fierceness of the models. How awesome would it be if that happened in real life? (Girl, don't invite Bianca because I am so tired of having to re hang my drapes!)
The curtains were hiding huge windows that filled the room with light. When the models got to the end of the runway they hooked a left and waked outside of the window to get back to the start of the cat walk. I was pretty impressed.Above: Awesome picture showing the models walking inside and outside during the Diesel Black Gold S/S 11 show at Pier 92.
The clothes for the collection showed a lot of earth tones with browns, khaki and rich leather. It reminded me of a sexy desert for some reason. The thing that stood out most to me on the male models were the crazy good sandals they rocked with each outfit. I tweeted Diesel immediately to tell them that I needed some for S/S 11.
Take a look of some of the looks that I loved and then check out the entire show by watching the video direct from the runway! Don't you love technology allowing you to be there when you may not have been there?
Above: I love the combination of colors in this dress.
Above: Big trend for right now and for S/S 11, a wide leg. When done right it looks great.
Above: Gorge dress for those days that are just the right amount of warm.
Above: I like the scarf and jacket situation. I want the sandals but I might not wear them with the jacket. It reminds me of when I would run out of the door in college and literally had no time for actual shoes and it was freezing out!
Above: I love everything about this look!
Above: Still a slim leg for men but mark my words, in a season or two you will see wide leg bell bottom esque pants happen for men. Why? because it is back for women and it takes a couple of seasons for it to translate into menswear just like the skinny jean... and it happend in 03/04 already let's be honest.
Special thanks to Diesel for hooking me up with some their AMAZING Idol shoes to rock during fashion week! I am pretty obsessed with them!!

Above: My Idol Shoes from Diesel. So good, right?
Check out the Diesel Black Gold S/S 11 runway show!