Ford Models' Show Package For NYC Fall/Winter 2011
In the immortal words of RuPaul, "YOU BETTER WORK!" This is exactly what the fierce models of Ford do at fashion shows all over th...

In the immortal words of RuPaul, "YOU BETTER WORK!" This is exactly what the fierce models of Ford do at fashion shows all over the world. Let's face it, without models, fashion shows would not be the same at all.
Each season agencies, including Ford Models, put together packages with all of the models that are ready to be booked for designer's shows. These packages are usually very creative and the people who create them work hard to top the packages from the previous season.
Ford Vol. II is Paul Rowland‘s second show package for Ford. The photos for the package are set on the terrace of the eighteenth floor penthouse of Ford's uptown office amidst the midtown high-rise buildings. Each model is imagined to be medieval woman set in a 21st century urban environmen (old school fierce). The styling was done by Rudy Mance, hair by Dennis Devoy and makeup by Janeen Witherspoon.
The interior lining of the show card box as well as the card backs themselves explicitly reference the zodiac in an acknowledgment to the connectedness shared by all inhabitants of the world to the universe. Check out some of the images from Ford's Show package for NYC's F/W 2011 season and be sure to look out for these girls working a runway near you!
Simone Carvalho

Crystal Renn

Irina Berezina

Valerija Kelava

Tasha Franken

Hanne Gaby Odiele

Anne Sophie Monrad


Photo Credits: Paul Rowland - Head of Ford's image division