OJ&B In The Press: Study Breaks Mag Does Two Page Spread On OJ&B For Austin, Houston And San Marcos Markets!
I was thrilled when Study Breaks Magazine asked if they could interview me for their April 2011 Spring Fashion issue but I had NO IDEA that...
I was thrilled when Study Breaks Magazine asked if they could interview me for their April 2011 Spring Fashion issue but I had NO IDEA that it was going to be a two page spread!
The article, which was written by Study Break's Jennifer Yu, discusses Orange Juice and Biscuits' start as well as it's role as a fashion/entertainment blog in NYC. I had so much fun doing this interview as I even got to give tips to college guys and gals who wake up in a rush to class!
My dream would be that college kids are reading my interview and learning about spring trends on the buses, before, after (and let's be honest) during classes, on their hour break between a class and while they are waiting for their friends to come back with a round at the bars on the square (shout out to San Marcos and Texas State University)!
Above: The index of Study Breaks' April 2011 Spring Fashion issue. It says I am "New York's Hot Fashion Guru!" Thanks Study Breaks, I am honored!
Another surprise was that the spread made it into the issues for not only San Marcos, (home of my alma mater Texas State University) but also for Austin and Houston, Texas!
I love New York but I will ALWAYS love my home state of Texas so I am thrilled that the spread will be in three of my favorite Texas cities!
Thanks once again to Study Breaks for doing this amazing spread on me and Orange Juice and Biscuits! I always looked forward to the latest issue when I was attending Texas State University. I am so glad that you are making it possible for me to be in Texas for April while I am hustling in NYC!
Be sure to pick up a copy of the April 2011 Spring Fashion issue of Study Breaks in San Marcos, Austin or Houston, Texas. For everyone else be sure to check out the issue and the spread online by clicking here!