The 90's Are All That! Nickleodeon To Bring Back 90's Programming on Teen Nick

This post is for the guys and gals that grew up in the 90's. Sorry, I am not talking about those people who were born in the 90's an...

This post is for the guys and gals that grew up in the 90's. Sorry, I am not talking about those people who were born in the 90's and for some reason seem to not know any pop culture references of the past other than Madonna. I am talking about those people who went to Camp Anawanna to Salute Your Shorts, had Clarissa to Explain It All, Went on Adventures with Pete & Pete, knew about Alex Mac's Secret World, questioned if you were Afraid of the Dark, heard Legends of a Hidden Temple, knew that Kel not Keenan loved orange soda, remember that the first NickToons were Doug, Rugrats and Ren & Stimpy (they showed them in that order), and could sing the theme song to All That like it was your job. PHEW!

Yes my friends, Nickleodeon recently announced at their upfronts in NYC that they will be reshowing their legendary 90's programming that basically locked in their place in pop culture history!

Before that iCarly mess and whatever else the kids are watching these day and are tricked into thinking it is good, we had amazing shows that were not all about finding dates in jr. high and kissing. Seriously though, have you seen these kid shows these days? Everyone is dating and making out all the time. I don't think that Clarissa would approve or that Donkey Lips and Z.Z. over at Camp Anawanna would ever have any of that! I mean Sam (insert guitar riff here) would come into Clarissa's room via a ladder in the window and they would never even touch. If that hussy iCarly had a guy climbing into her window she would go from iCarly to iTeenMom in 2 seconds!

The promo says that The 90's Are All That is a "late night block for grown ups who grew up on 90's Nick." It just sounds weird and crazy and why is it on Teen Nick? Just put in on regular Nickleodeon during the day and evening. Trust me, these kids these days not only need it but they will also LOVE IT!

Check out the line up for The 90's Are All That as of now. (Where is the Mystery Files of Shelby Woo and Kablaam? lol)

Aaahh!!! Real Monsters * The Adventures of Pete & Pete * All That * The Amanda Show
Are You Afraid of the Dark? * Catdog* Clarissa Explains it All * Double Dare * Doug
Hey Arnold! * Kenan & Kel * Legends of the Hidden Temple * Nickelodeon GUTS * The Ren & Stimpy Show * Rocket Power * Rocko’s Modern Life * Rugrats * Salute Your Shorts * The Secret World Of Alex Mack

Amazing right?! Makes me want a Hi-C and Dunkaroos really bad!

Check out the promo for The 90's Are All That Below and I tribute to 90's Nickleodeon! Yay childhood!

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