
OJ&B Featured On AllTop.com Under Fashion Topic!

I am thrilled that OJ&B was selected to be a website featured in AllTop.com's fashion topic! Alltop.com helps you answer the questio...

Featured in Alltop
I am thrilled that OJ&B was selected to be a website featured in AllTop.com's fashion topic! Alltop.com helps you answer the question, “What’s happening?” in “all the topics” that interest you.

Think of Alltop as the “online magazine rack” of the web. They subscribed to thousands of sources to provide “aggregation without aggravation." Their goal is to enhance your online reading by displaying stories from sources that you’re already visiting plus helping you discover sources that you didn’t know existed.

I am so happy that OJ&b will be featured among huge online fashion sources including major fashion magazines and blogs. It is so handy to see tons of fashion sites last 5 stories that they have posted.

Alltop.com does an amazing job explaining the purpose of the site via a cute and short video on their site. You can see it by clicking here.

Thanks AllTop.com!
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