OJ&B Hosts Meet Up At Bing Media Lounge At The Mandarin Oriental
ATTENTION FASHION WEEK MEDIA: Get away from the madness of the tents with Orange Juice & Biscuits at the Bing Lounge at MObar at Mandari...

Get away from the madness of the tents with Orange Juice & Biscuits at the Bing Lounge at MObar at Mandarin Oriental, New York.
Refresh yourself with the OJ&B signature mock-tail “Red Carpet Treatment” and strike a pose for celebrity photographer Andrew Werner to win our Fiercest Fashion Contest and get your photo on the OJ&B blog and Mandarin Oriental, New York twitter!
While you are there take advantage of complimentary wi-fi and laptops, food and beverages and footage of the week’s runway shows. Wednesday, September 14, 2011 2:00pm – 3:00pm
Be sure to follow @MO_NewYork and @JonathanValdez and use hashtag #BingLounge
Please present a press pass or business card for entry.
I hope to see you there!