
OJ&B In The Press: GoTryItOn.com Features OJ&B As Friday Focus!

I recently had the pleasure of meeting Jessie Goldberg and Amanda Hunter from GoTryItOn.com to learn more about their fab site!  GoTryItOn.c...

I recently had the pleasure of meeting Jessie Goldberg and Amanda Hunter from GoTryItOn.com to learn more about their fab site!  GoTryItOn.com is a website that allows fashionistas to upload photos of their outfits and get opinions from fellow fashion lovers that are "helpful not hurtful."

I fell in love with the concept of the site and I was so thrilled to know that the comments on GTIO are about being supportive and not catty and mean.  The GTIO team understands that putting together outfits and then uploading them to a site can be a very scary and personal thing.  They make sure that no one is being a hater by monitoring posts and making sure that the users are being constructive and supportive.

OJ&B loves it when people promote positivity!  I was thrilled when they asked if they could feature me as their Friday Focus.  Check out the interview below and be cute to check out GoTryItOn.com.  You can ad me as your personal stylist and I can help you look fierce for a big night out or just day to day!

Today’s Friday Focus is a bow-tie wearing, suspender loving Texan who blogs his way around NYC: Jonathan Valdez of OrangeJuiceandBiscuits! We were introdcued to this fashionist-O by Mairin Heard (you may know her as Mad Hatter), our 2011 Halloween Costume Contest winner! When we connected with Jonathan we were blown away by his ability to grow in the NYC blogosphere and by his down to earth southern ways.

Read on to learn how fashion in Texas cities relate to NYC hoods, how you can never be overdressed, Jonathan’s first fashion moment (8th grade dance, think She’s All That) and his go-to site for accessories (FineandDandyshop.com).

To stay connected with Jonathan, make him your Personal Stylist, follow him on Twitter @JonathanValdez and read his blog. Ok! Enough of our chatter…

GO TRY IT ON: How did a Texas native like yourself become so interested in fashion?

JONATHAN:  I have always had some form of appreciation for fashion—my Grandparents had great style. But the first time I recall really caring about why myself or others were wearing was my 8th grade Valentine’s Day dance. I was in student council and wanted to look nice so went out and bought a white dress shirt, khakis and suede boots. When I walked in, people’s faces were noticeably surprised by my new look…It was a very teen movie moment—like She’s All That minus the bet and Freddy Prince Jr, Lil’ Kim and Usher as the DJ.

GO TRY IT ON: What is Texas Fashion like?

JONATHAN: Texas fashion can be all over the board. Some people get it and some don’t. In comparison to NYC, Houston is the Financial District, Dallas is the Upper East Side and Austin is like Williamsburg/Soho/East Village. I am in love with Austin and have been known to turn a head or two there with some of my outfits (but then again, I get looks in NYC sometimes too!) I’ve always turned to fashion for self expression which is why I never think anyone is over dressed! If you feel like being fancy then do it!

GO TRY IT ON: Tell us a little bit about the secret that made your college radio show a hit!

JONATHAN: When I produced my shows I discussed what excited me rather than worry about what others would think because that’s how you set yourself up for failure.

GO TRY IT ON: What is your absolute favorite thing about what you do? 

JONATHAN: BLOGGING FOR SURE! I would love to focus on my blog and have it grow to where I could have a staff. I dream of being a media outlet (Oprah is my idol) because I love interviewing and being on camera.

GO TRY IT ON:  How would you describe your style? Do you stay true to it or experiment with different fashions?

JONATHAN: Both! I stay true because I know what works for me but do LOVE mixing it up and experimenting with new looks. When you step out of your box and try new things, it adds an element of surprise to your look. If I go out sans bow-tie or hat, a person often notices which shows they’re paying attention to my look. It’s great to have a trademark but I also think it is good to let your fashion evolve.

GO TRY IT ON: Where do you shop? What are some underground boutiques that we must know about?

JONATHAN: I love to shop offline in person so I can feel what I am buying (and I’m too impatient to wait for the mail!) As far as underground boutiques go, I really love FineandDandyshop.com.  It is an online store for dapper men to find dapper accessories.

GO TRY IT ON: What is one blog that we must read (besides yours!)

JONATHAN: Chicityfashion.com. My friend Jena always has the best clothes and she knows what she is talking about!  

GO TRY IT ON: Your blog OrangeJuiceandBiscuits is really great and relatable. How did you come up with the name, concept and design?

JONATHAN: The name originated with my morning radio talk show in Texas called Orange Juice and Biscuits, Morning Talk Worth Waking For. When I graduated I had to stop the show because it was a Texas State University radio station. People continued to reach out, asking me for more. In 2009, I began blogging about celeb news! When I came to NYC and found myself at two fashion shows, which covered the content of the next posts. I began to receive invitations to other shows and showrooms. Regarding my logo, I owe it to my my friend, Tyler Wallach who said, “If you are going to be a top bloginisata you are going to have to have a fierce logo.” So thanks to him, I do!

GO TRY IT ON: It’s safe to say there are millions of bloggers out there and so many are in NYC with you. How did you set yourself and blog apart and have people read it?

JONATHAN:  It is all about doing what you feel is right.  I blog about what interests me and have been told by those who know me, that the voice of my blog is how I talk. I also am a firm believer in being nice to people and not only building but maintaining relationships. Social media is a huge factor in driving readers. I always says that Twitter keeps me afloat because I get to constantly post what I am doing or who I am meeting for my Twitter “Guys and Gals.”  I try to respond to everyone who Tweets me and I think that being real and having a regular dialogue with people who find you interesting enough to follow is key!

GO TRY IT ON:  What piece of advice would you offer to someone trying to make it as a blogger?

JONATHAN: Write about what you love and what you know!  Be authentic and you will attract people who want to hear what you have to say. Also, filter out any negativity and always focus on the positive.  
GO TRY IT ON:  Who is the most amazing person you have interviewed and why?

JONATHAN: This sounds really cheesy but to me they are all amazing. I love having the opportunity to dig into someones life and to connect with them over their journey and/or current projects.  When people take time out of their lives to sit and talk with you it is something that for me is unique and special.

GO TRY IT ON: What is the most interesting takeaway from an interview that you implemented in your real life?

JONATHAN: A comedian once told me that the key to comedic success was to be your own funny and to things that make you laugh. They said not to think about what would makes others laugh and that doing your own thing would attract people who really get you.  I translate that into everything I do and try to stay true to myself and to my goals and visions. So far, it’s working.

To find out more about GoTryItOn.com and to read the original article click here
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