Celebrity Health And Wellness Expert Jillian Michaels Gives Tips To Be Healthier in 2012!
This is the time of year where thousands of people in America vow to shed pounds for the new year! For many the toughest part is getting st...
This is the time of year where thousands of people in America vow to shed pounds for the new year! For many the toughest part is getting started and knowing what to eat.
Jillian Michaels has helped people achieve their potential and weight loss dreams as a trainer on television's The Biggest Loser and has now teamed up with one of OJ&B's fave snack's, Popchips, to give helpful tips on healthy eating! Check out some of Jillian's tips below.
- Avoid fried foods at all costs.
- Eat three balanced meals a day every four hours with a snack in between lunch and dinner.
- Eat no more than 6-8 teaspoons of fats and vegetable oil per day.
- Choose oils that are mostly unsaturated such as olive oil.
- Opt for cooking methods that use little or no fat such as steaming, grilling, baking, popping, broiling or roasting.
- Purchase healthier alternatives when given a choice (popchips vs. fried chips, grilled chicken vs. fried chicken).
- Curb salty cravings with tasty snacks such as popchips, almonds or dried cranberries.
Michaels and Popchips want people to know that it’s important to remember that the best way to stick to any health related resolution is by making small changes that are easy to maintain.
Best of luck to all of you who are going to be working on your fitness in 2012! OJ&B will be your witness for sure!
Above: This poster featuring Jillian Michaels and Popchips provides people with her healthy eating tips and will be seen in select health clubs this year.
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