
Us Weekly Fashion Police: February 6, 2012

OJ&B is an Us Weekly Fashion Police Top Cop for the February 6, 2012 issue featuring Heidi Klum and Seal (OJ&B wishes them the bes...

OJ&B is an Us Weekly Fashion Police Top Cop for the February 6, 2012 issue featuring Heidi Klum and Seal (OJ&B wishes them the best as we love as a couple especially during Hween)! 

This time I gave a citation to a woman who is no stranger to the inside of a celebrity gossip magazine...
Kim Kardashian!  Sorry Kim but I had too!  I mean just look at the photo below and click to see my comment.

Someone told me that Kim's publicist would be sure that Kim saw it.  I really hope that Kimmy K knows that I was just doing my job and that if we were friends in real life she would not be in the Fashion Police section as I would always tell her if she looked like a mess before she left the house. 

In my mind Kim is going to call me and here is how the convo is going to go:

Kim: That was really rude!

Me: Kim, those pants were rude! I was just doing my job as a friend and as a Top Cop.  I can't lie! Lunch slash bevs soon?

Kim: Fine! I forgive you but we have to do lunch at a cafe with outside seating so we can film it for Kim and Kourtney Take NY season 3.

Then we air kiss over the phone... totally going to happen, right?

Well whatever happens I hope you are enjoying all of the comments that I am lucky enough to have published!  Be sure to go and pick up your copy of Us Weekly, on stands now, to see what my fellow top cops had to say and to read about Seal and Heidi (let's hope for the best)!

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