
OJ&B Celebrates Its 5th Year With A New Look!

The New Look And Feel For OrangeJuiceandBiscuits.com  I fully intend on making 2014 the year of OJ&B!  This year marks year 5 for the li...

The New Look And Feel For OrangeJuiceandBiscuits.com 

I fully intend on making 2014 the year of OJ&B!  This year marks year 5 for the little blog that could and I could not be more thrilled with where OJ&B has taken me!  

One of the first things that I knew I had to do early in year 5 was revamp my sight.  I had done some "Blogtox" back in 2009 thanks to friend of OJ&B and Brooklyn based street artist, Tyler Wallach (Ty just won the 2014 Brooklyn Night Life Award for "Best Visual Artist", CONGRATS), and it served OJ&B and its guys and gals very well!  Although I adored the old look of OJ&B, I knew that I wanted to evolve the sight and change its look just like I would my own personal style (I mean, what good is a fashion and entertainment blog without a fabulous new makeover). 

The new look and feel is all thanks to Texas based web designer, Justin Nash who is very talented and has worked with various national major brands.  I was thrilled to have him tackle the challenge of revamping OJ&B for year 5!  Justin really got who I was and most importantly, who OJ&B was as a brand.  I love that he made the sight look chic and modern while keeping the spirit of my site.  

For those of you who are true OJ&B "Guys & Gals" you will see hints and homages to the original sight. My OJ&B martini girl is subtly peaking out at the top of the new sight and a lot of the main buttons and bars are the same color yellow that the background of the original OJ&B site was.  That really makes me happy because I am all about moving forward and evolving while always remembering where you came from! As New York Times and Huffington Post featured Brooklyn drag queen, Amber Alert said of the new sight, "She's custom, she works and twerks and glides and slides!" 

I really hope that you enjoy the new look and feel of Orange Juice and Biscuits and that you are as excited as I am about the new journey's that the next 5 years will bring us! As I said before, I plan on making this a phenomenal year so stay tuned and please keep spreading the word about OJ&B! 

If you would like to get in touch with Justin Nash please email him at Justin@jnashdesign.com.
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