I Think I Have Gagarhea...

O M G! I HATE Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta a.k.a Lady Gaga! RIGHT? I mean uh.. I don't feel so well... Let me explain, I have alwa...

O M G! I HATE Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta a.k.a Lady Gaga! RIGHT? I mean uh.. I don't feel so well... Let me explain, I have always said that I could not stand Gaga. I even went so far as to never blog or talk about her on my show because I said that she just wanted attention and I would not give it to her. I stood firm on my dislike for Gaga!

When I watched the 2009 VMA's I just shrugged it off thinking "OH GAGA!" A couple of days later I was walking around the streets of NYC with some friends and I noticed I kept bringing up Gaga. I was like "Gaga did this," and "Omg Gaga has done that," and "Did you know Gaga wore a Kermit outfit?" Gaga, Gaga, Gaga! That's when I realized that I had come down with Gagarhea. All the symptoms were there. The constant talking about Gaga, wanting to watch the VMA performance over and over, and getting disappointed when you think you hear Paparazzi on the radio but it's not Paparazzi.

I am slowly learning to cope with what I have. I don't think there is any hope for me at this point. I knew things were getting bad when I was on the Gaga wiki page and I asked my friend to burn Paparazzi on a CD for me last weekend. (Yea, I don't have an Ipod! And what? Jealous?) We also jammed out to the song quite a few times. That song just gets me! I think I like it because it is not like the other Gaga songs that I am still not a huge fan of. At least I am coming to terms with my liking of Gaga. This blog was a big step for me.

I have to say that she won me over with that ridiculous performance and all of those costume changes at the VMA's. I respect that she just wears whatever she wants. Like my friend Krissy says, "Life if too short not to wear birds in your hair!" In other words, life is to short to not wear crazy things.

Now that the KaGa or Kanye/Gaga "Fame Kills" tour has been cancelled Gaga might be doing smaller venues. I personally think Gaga in the round would be intense! I am really proud that I have gone public with my liking of Gaga. I know that many of you are struggling with Gagarhea as well and I hope this helps you deal with not only Gaga but Britney! Yes there are so many Britney lovers that are ashamed to admit it, but I know who you are when they play her at the club! I am going to leave you with the VMA performance of Paparazzi. I am sure everyone has seen it but if you are like me, you probably want to watch it again because you think the live version is better. It's OK! Watch it! No one will Judge you... Not here!

P.S. Gaga on Saturday Night Live tomorrow with host Ryan Reynolds!

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