Me? A Trend Setter? Why Thank You Nordstrom!

When it comes to fashion, I have always loved playing around with different looks and styles. My motto is "If you look good then you fe...

When it comes to fashion, I have always loved playing around with different looks and styles. My motto is "If you look good then you feel good!" I wear what makes me feel good and I don't care what others think at all. I dress for myself and I hate when people say "Do you think this is too much?" or "Is this too dressy?" Who cares! Wear what makes you feel good. Lately I have been getting some great compliments on how I dress and it honestly has taken me by surprise. Last week I was thrilled when I got on twitter and found an awesome compliment from a reliable source! One of my favorite stores, Nordstrom, has a twitter and the person who runs it is so nice! Here is what was said:

Nordstrom : @jonvaldez Hi again. Just wanted to let you know that you are a trend setter. Check out this post from our NYFW blog:

jonvaldez : @Nordstrom OMG! Thank you so much! I am BEYOND FLATTERED that @nordstrom called me a trend setter!!!! WOW! best day ever! Good post!

Nordstrom : @jonvaldez You're welcome! After that chat we had about bow ties a while back, who else would I think of when I saw that post? :-)

Everyone knows I love a good bow tie! We had talked about my love of bow ties earlier in the summer and thought it was so nice of them to think of me when they saw that blog! I know this sound corny but everyone should always remember compliments and forget about haters and naysayers! In the immortal words of Paris Hilton, (no really they are immortal because they are in the Oxford Dictionary of Quotes)“Dress cute wherever you go, life is too short to blend in.” Sorry I qouted Paris, but for once I agreed with her. Once again, thanks so much Nordys for the awesome compliment!

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