Carrie Prejean Get Your Life Together!
Every time I see Carrie Prejean on Television I get the same look on my face that Miss North Carolina has in the picture. It's a "I...

Every time I see Carrie Prejean on Television I get the same look on my face that Miss North Carolina has in the picture. It's a "I cannot believe this is happening" sort of look that also suggests tears are about to happen. Why does this woman insist on going on these talk shows knowing that no on cares about her little book that she "wrote." All they want to talk about is some good old fashion scandal. Sure she is all smiles when she holds up her book, but as soon as someone gets to the juicy stuff (the only reason she is on TV or has a book)she gets all pissy. Seriously, what was the Larry King sitch all about? You looked 10 shades of crazy telling King that he was being inappropriate and saying that you would leave the show. GIRL STOP! The day you walk away from a camera is the day hell freezes over and/or Lohan wins an Academy Award. Then I heard that another reason she got upset was because she was told she would not have to talk to callers. Has she ever watched Larry King? She needs to stop pulling a K Stew and be glad that anyone even wants to talk to her freaky self. But the icing on the cake has to be when Carrie said this in an interview. "No, I don't think there's anything wrong with getting breast implants as a Christian. I think it's a personal decision. I don't see anywhere in the Bible where it says you shouldn't get breast implants." Can you really pull the B card on an issue like breast implants? I think you need to stay away from all the interviews and just take some time to reflect on how you can get your life together. That or you can continue to pull things out of your bag of crazy to stay in the media a little longer. It's your call Care!
umm yeah when she said she "meeted" donald trump it was all over