Spotted: Gleemour in L.A.!

Earlier today my L.A. insider (My Friend Stephanie Harvey who is visiting right now) tweeted me and told me that she was watching the beauti...

Earlier today my L.A. insider (My Friend Stephanie Harvey who is visiting right now) tweeted me and told me that she was watching the beautiful Jayma Mays of Glee do a photo shoot for what appeared to be a Louis Vuitton ad. Mays, who plays the wonderfully quirky Emma Pillsbury in the FOX hit Glee, was seen in front of the L.V. store in the Hollywood Highland Center with shopping bags during the shoot.

I think that it would be really awesome to have Jayma Mays as a spokesperson. She is gorgeous and she is my current celebrity crush. Actually, I guess I am in love with Emma Pillsbury, but I am sure that Jayma is just as charming in person. I was really excited when they finally let Emma sing. I had been waiting for it to happen all season long. This weeks glee looks amazing as always! Mr. Shu is going to address how he feels about Emma and Rachel having feeling for him through song, which is how I usually try to express my feelings as well. I know that I am a huge Gleek because I never like to read the articles about Glee for fear they will give some of the plot away. Also, I don't like knowing what songs they are going to sing. I just always enjoy shows more when I don't know what is going to happen! (This is only if I really really like a show though!)

So to get back to my original story, be on the look out for Jayma Mays and Louis Vuitton. Then when you see the ads or photo shoot you can say that you heard about it a long time ago on The Orange Juice and Biscuits blog!

*Special thanks to my L.A. insider Stephanie Harvey for the tip. I encourage everyone to send me any and all celeb sightings no matter where you are! My email is Also, if you want to know what I think about a certain topic or story in entertainment news just let me know! The Fergie/Josh/Stripper post was done by request! Thanks OJ&B readers!

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