5 Questions With Model/Actress/Child of God/Fashionista London Levi!

One of my passions in life is interviewing people! I love it when I have the chance to spend time with someone and get to know more about wh...

One of my passions in life is interviewing people! I love it when I have the chance to spend time with someone and get to know more about what makes them tick and tock. Another passion of mine is my OJ&B blog! That being said, I have decided to combine my two loves together to form Orange Juice and Biscuit's 5 Questions With Series. 5 Questions With will revolve around people with interesting jobs/lives/hobbies/obsessions etc.

The very first 5 questions is with the beautiful London Levi. Many of you may know her as being one of models in the running towards becoming America's Next Top Model in Cycle 12. (Sorry I had to pull a Tyra!) Check out what London had to say!!

London Levi: Well ello, ello! Most of you probably know me by now as London Levi, however I am sure most didn't know I am from deep in the heart of Texas. Dallas is my home and I have lived here all my life. When and if God wills I hope to move to Manhattan or possibly L.A. in the near future. Yes, they are completely different, but both hold endless opportunities and in fields I wish to venture out and play with. I have many aspirations, acting has been a long time passion of mine and I also have been a dancer for many years. Of course, I will continue to model as well, but I'm currently just giving it up to God and following where he leads. It is difficult being a follower of Christ and being in this industry. God says to be in this world, but not of it and I am walking with Him daily to discover how to succeed and be happy in this.

5 Questions with Model/Actress/Child of God/Fashionista London Levi!

1. How do you define the word beautiful?

London: When I think of the word beautiful I think of the face of God, which can be seen in everything and everyone. We encounter endless portraits of God at his best. Everyday I drive a tremendous amount and even the simplest of sunrises and trees blowing in the wind remind me of Christ and his precious sacrifice. To me this is real beauty, not like what our society has made it out to be. When did we determine that you had to be 100 pounds and 6 feet tall to be beautiful? When did we say that all the riches in the world will add to your appearance? Nice clothes, fancy cars, rail thin girls walking around hoping to stand out when in all reality we're cloning ourselves daily. Don't be afraid to venture out of the "norm" and let God's beauty resonate from out of you.

2. Are you still friends with any of the girls from your cycle?

London: I am indeed still friends with a few girls from my cycle. Cycle 12 had some amazing women on it and it was my pleasure to be able to meet and get to know each and every one of them. Unfortunately time does pass and people drift apart. We each live our own lives back at home, or for Kortnie our new home! (She's in Brooklyn now!) However I do keep in contact with Allison almost daily. She lives maybe 30 minutes away from me and I actually am attending the same art college as her next semester!

3. Would you rather work a runway or pose for the camera?

London: This is a tough one, because honestly I enjoy both. Though I must say I love the exhilaration form the runway and ultimately would choose this over posing for the camera. There's nothing like walking down that narrow strip and seeing a sea of faces starring up at you. In an instant it is over. Hours of preparation go into these 2 minutes of empowerment, but those 2 minutes are worth it.

4. Vintage or modern?

London: Vintage! Wait no, Modern! Ugh I honestly don't know. They're both so beautiful and I suppose it depends in which context you are using these words. For fashion I tend to like vintage better only because modern gets a little too funky for me...and that's saying something! I love how original a vintage piece can be and how when you purchase something from a vintage or thrift store you can guarantee your girlfriend won't be wearing the same thing to the party.

5. Finish this sentence: Even if it's the last thing I do I___________

London: will glorify God.

Thank you so much London for being the first person to participate in Orange Juice and Biscuits' 5 Questions With!

If you or someone you know would like to be featured in OJ&B's 5 Questions With, please email me at jonrvaldez@gmail.com!

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