Spotted: Blake Lively Hosting SNL! XOLOL
On Saturday, December 5th, Gossip Girl star Blake Lively had hosting duties for NBC's Saturday Night Live. I really loved the opening mo...

On Saturday, December 5th, Gossip Girl star Blake Lively had hosting duties for NBC's Saturday Night Live. I really loved the opening monologue where some of the SNL cast came out as The Muppets! (You know from previous posts how much I love those Muppets!)I was dying when I saw my favorite Muppet, Janice, rocking out on the right. They all sang a little Christmas diddy and then it was on with the show!
For me, the best part of the night was when Rihanna did one of Andy Samberg's infamous digital shorts. I usually don't care for a lot of the digital shorts but I really enjoyed this one. The short features Ri Ri teaming up with "Shy Ronnie" to teach kids about knowledge. I really like the song for some reason (proabably because I am a sucker for Ri Ri) and it has been in my head ever since I saw it on Saturday night. "SPEAK UP!"
The other skit that I really enjoyed was the Gossip Girl parody entitled, "Gossip Girl: Staten Island." Between that skit and suffering through the first half of MTV's Jersey Shore on December 3rd, I believe I have reached my quota for bad hair, bad clothes, and over the top east coast accents for at least a couple of months.
I love when young actresses host SNL because that means that the Virginica skit is going to happen! (Remember when it used to be Gemini's Twins?) The best part about this sketch is when Virginica tells her stepdaughter (Lively) that a skirt she snatched out of another shoppers hands would go perfect for her "booty rounds and rounds."
Overall, I would have to say that I was really surprised at Blake's comidic skills. Even more surprising was the tweet that Whitney Port from MTV's The City posted when SNL was over. Port tweeted, "My dream is to be on SNL!!! I swear I can do it!" I don't know Boo! Maybe you should do a sketch comedy episode of The City first. I am sure those writers would love the chance to finally put their skills to good use.
Feel free to tell me what you thought about Blake Lively's hosting skills in the comments section. Do you think Whitney Port would be a good host on SNL? I also want to know what your favorite skit/moment/Rihanna performace was!