OJ&B Celebrates The Life & Work Of Brittany Murphy

I was so shocked and sad to hear that actress Brittany Murphy passed away early this morning due to cardiac arrest at age 32. Above: Stacy ...

I was so shocked and sad to hear that actress Brittany Murphy passed away early this morning due to cardiac arrest at age 32.

Above: Stacy Dash, Alicia Silverstone, and Brittany Murphy on the movie poster for the hit movie Clueless

Brittany Murphy was a part of so many of my favorite movies! The best being my all time move fave Clueless! I cannot even express in words how much I love this movie! I still quote Clueless all the time like it just came out last week. She was so perfect in that movie and was way harsh when she delivered the line, "You're just a virgin who can't drive." Murphy also had a really great singing voice. Of course we all noticed this when she sang Rollin' With The Homies at the Val Party, but my fave was when she belted it out at the 2002 MTV Video Music Awards with Jack Black and Sarah Michelle Gellar. I always bust out with Brittany Murphy's part when I need a good belting moment in my life.

Above: Brittany Murphy helps out Jack Black and Sarah Michelle Gellar in the opening of the 2002 MTV Movie Awards. The '02 MTV Movie Awards were my favorite! Check out the clip of this aweome opening and see Brittany Belt it!

Brittany Murphy blew me away with her vocal talents again when she was the voice of Gloria the Penguin in Happy Feet! Remember when she sang Somebody To Love?! I LOVED IT!

Murphy also used her very distinctive and unique voice to make the character Luanne Platter come to life on FOX's King Of The Hill. Brittany had such an amazing and contagious laugh. I loved her raspy and enthusiastic voice.

Above: Brittany Murhpy's King Of The Hill character Louanne Platter

Another movie that I loved Brittany Murphy in was Drop Dead Gorgeous! She was so funny as contestant Lisa Swenson. "Here's Peter as Liza!" I also quote Drop Dead Gorgeous all the time too. Brittany Murphy does her trademark laugh in this scene and it makes me so happy. DDG is such a hilarious movie.

Above: Brittany Murphy as Lisa Swenson in Drop Dead Gorgeous.

I LOVE pop culture and Brittany Murphy played such a huge role in the early part of my life in developing my love for witty comedies. Honestly, where would I be without her as Tai in Clueless? "If I fall will you catch me?" "And my buns, they don't fell nuttin' like steal." "Shit you guys, I've never had straight friends before!" -Tai Frasier

Thank you for being you Brittany Murphy! I will continue to watch all my favorite movies with you in it over and over again. "I hope not sporadically!"

Check out Brittany Murphy's other movies and feel free to leave a comment about your fave Brittany Murphy movie slash moment.

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  1. http://tasteslikecaramel.wordpress.com/2009/12/20/rest-in-peace-brittany-murphy/

    Right click on "Paul Okenfold" link and click download linked file.

    It's the Brit Murph song. :)



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