Top 5 Best Blogger to Follow in 2009!

As you may know, Orange Juice and Biscuits was up for one of's 2009 Open Web Awards as a Top 5 finalist for Best Blogger ...

As you may know, Orange Juice and Biscuits was up for one of's 2009 Open Web Awards as a Top 5 finalist for Best Blogger to Follow. BBC Radio 5 Live featured Mashable's Open Web Awards in an interview with Mashable creator, Pete Cashmore, in November highlighting the event as one of the web’s biggest annual awards. I want to let everyone know that the results came out today and the winner is... Derek Sheldon's blog The World As I Der See It!

I also want to take the time to congratulate Derek on his win! It was a long competition as there were over 440,000 nominations with over 70,000 nominees and over 780,000 final votes! That is just crazy! (I just can't sleep... why do I always have to sing that Britney song when I hear the word "crazy?") The fact that I made it to the top 5 in the Best Blogger to Follow category out of 440,000 nominations is amazing to me! Earlier today Derek sent me this message via Twitter:

"HEY buddy...I wanted to say you do and still do a WONDERFUL job! I am SO proud of you and your fans! Much love your way, Derek!"

Thanks Derek, great job to you as well! I want to thank EACH AND EVERY person that nominated and voted for OJ&B during the entire competition!! I could not have made it to the top 5 without any of you. I am extremely happy with Top 5. If this was American Idol I would be all kinds of going on tour and I would also get to sing the good songs! Check out what one OJ&B reader from Canada had to say on Twitter:

"You are such a wonderful person! Congrats on your Top 5 status, lets make you number 1 in 2010 !" -Michelle

Thank you so much for that sweet message Michelle!! I really do appreciate all of my readers that come to OJ&B from around the world. I plan on doing HUGE things in 2010 so I hope that you will come along for the ride!! - Jonathan

P.S. Don't you love the Top 5! High 5 pic? I found it when searching for images that said "Top 5" and I thought it was very OJ&B. It comes from the BBC Radio website. Be sure to check that out. I have a lot of European readers and I love them (and everyone from every country) all so much. THANKS AGAIN GUYS AND GALS!
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  1. Jonathan, Thank you and keep up the AMAZING work! I am so stealing the Top 5 High 5...VERY VERY good find!

  2. dude, you the man... The problem was only letting people vote ONCE per day! Seriously though, great blog, great content, great posts, great guy! Keep it up and continue to wow us in 2010!



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